After dry fitting, I took it apart and rounded over the feet. They look much better now.
Then I made some dowel stock 1/2 inch round with my dowel plate. These will be used for pegging the feet to the sides. Although with today's glues and the amount of glue surface on the tenons I doubt that the joints will come apart even though the joint is cross grain.
I glued up the parts and clamped them to the bench. Using a try square I made sure that the bench joints were square. As I mentioned before the wood had moved quite a bit since it was milled and there was some twist in the top pieces.
I added the pegs to the feet after the joint is dry. This does not have the same tension as draw boring but still adds some strength. I will pare them flush after the glue dries.
Now to add the stretchers, I need to cut a 5/8 inch half lap dovetail into each end and match it to the leg.
This single dovetail has a lot of waste to be removed. Sawing is similar to a regular dovetail.
First the dovetail slope.
Then across the back for the 5/8 inch thickness.
Then remove the waste from the end
Then across the back to remove the half lap.
Now I use my marking knife to match the dovetail to the correct spot on the leg.
Then saw and chop out the socket for the dovetail.
Repeat the same process for the lower stretcher.
Chopping out the last dovetail socket in the leg. Then I glued them all.
I hand sanded some of the rough corners and hand planed the top and side dovetails flush.
All done ready to test out!
Cross cut 4/4 poplar board. Feels pretty good.
Now for a rip cut on the same board. Works just fine. Now I'll be doing more hand saw work.
Here is today's video: