
Monday, December 8, 2014

Making the Knee Blocks - Cutout and Shaping

It is time to start on the knee blocks.  This is the last step in the construction of the dressing table.
After this it will be all sanding and finishing.

To start with I take a look at the pictures that I have of the two dressing tables.

You can see how they fit under the apron and curve toward the back.  I want to reproduce this shape.
 I cut out a couple of templates from cardboard.  The third one is the one that I like.

I had saved a couple of inches of wood from the tops of the cabriolet legs when I was cutting the 12/4 stock to length for the legs.
This is so I can match the grain.  I have traced the pattern on the front of the block.

Now to trace the pattern on the side.

With my bandsaw I cut out the patterns. First the side. Then I tape it back together and saw the front pattern.
Here it is roughed out after the bandsaw cuts.  It needs to be rounded over and smoothed

I put a long screw in the back to hold it so I can clamp it in my vise.  Then I use my Nickelson #50 rasp and some files to round it over.  The smoothing is done with files and sandpaper.

Here is the first one. I leave it a little proud of the knee so that I can do final shaping after it is glued on.

Now I repeat the process for the other side.  Using the first one as a model.

All done with the second one.  The front two are the hardest because of the apron.  The remaining six will be easier now that I have the models.  I finish them tomorrow and then glue them on.
Once the glue is dry I will use a sharp chisel to pare the blocks to match the knee.
Then the finishing will begin.

Here is today's video:

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