
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Finished Shaping the Legs and Making the Back of the Lowboy

I finished carving and shaping the four legs.  They will need a little scraping and sanding yet but for now they are finished.
Now to make the back of the lowboy.  I have some poplar which is wide enough so I won't have to glue up a couple of pieces.  I have decided to cut off a piece with my hand saw rather than drag out the circular saw.  It has been awhile so I need the practice and exercise.

I could hand plane the piece flat on one side but I decided to use my 8 inch jointer.  The board is 13 inches wide.  So I run the board half on one side and then half on the other.  This leaves a strip in the middle which is easy to plane off.  Quick way to flatten a board.

Once it is flattened, I ran it through my planner to 7/8 thickness.  Now I have to put 3/8 inch thick tenons on each end 1 inch long.   I use my old radial arm saw with a stacked dado blade.  Set a stop block at 1 inch and cut away.

Now I mark out the tenons and the waste.

Then saw out the tenons and waste.  Pare the waste flush.

Trim with a hand plane and fit to the legs.

Now to start working the side panels.

Here is today's video:


  1. How rare are those old "left handed" Disston crosscut saws? They seem to work similar to right handed versions!
    Looking good.

  2. David,

    I love the radial arm saw with the dado in it.

